{9} A doodle a day…

Written By: AnneBH - Oct• 02•11

The one thing I didn’t want to do during this countdown towards my transition was to put my self under pressure to get a result by day zero remembering the reason for my transition in the first place was to get away from the inordinate amount of pressure I was putting myself (and my customers as well) under as Anne the printer.
So I decided after day zero I would start to count backwards again ie minus 1, minus 2 etc… This might be an odd way of doing things, why not start at one and climb up the scale like most normal people? Ah… you see I am not normal and have never believed in doing things the conventional way. Conventionalism binds you, unconventionalism frees you and as a creative I need the freedom to be creative. Ok we do have to conform sometimes especially to civil authority otherwise we are in danger of breaking the law.
Since I am not sure where that discussion is going, I think I’ll end it there as my one philosophical contribution for the day.
I really wanted to write about a disturbing conversation I had with some members of my local art society at their annual dinner last Thursday. The society is nearly 100 years years old and I have to admit most of the members looked like they had been around as long as that (I say this in the nicest possible way as I do not want to offend)  as well so I was very encouraged to hear they were actively seeking young blood to join the group through a call for artists which has been submitted to schools, colleges and art groups in the area.
Anyway, we moved onto the topic of artists who work full time as artists and more importanly live off their talent and was quite discouraged to here many off them scoff at the very thought. Impossible! was their general consesus. I left the party depressed and unable to add my contribution -that I was on a quest to achieve the very same in a little under 10 days or so.

How many of us believe our beliefs become our thoughts? I certainly do and certainly to dispel the thought that many artists have we need to become the change we want to see in this world (Gandhi). Before I start to get on a moral soap box, I need to say there are many many artists who have made it several times over and as most of us are not on a quest to become multi millionaires but simply to eke out a reasonable existence it is indeed possible.

I wasn’t on a mission to find Gandhi quotes this morning but I am inspired by two which I would like to share…

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny”

You see each one of us has to find peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.

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